I just returned from a trip to the mailbox. I was so excited to find a copy of the brand new book, Picking Them Up with Both Hands, by author Caleb Phillips. Caleb was a volunteer worker at New Day during the early days of Samuel’s time there. He used his journals from the time around his days at New Day to compile a first hand account of some of the work that New Day does and even better yet, some personal experiences as a foreign worker in one of China’s foster homes. In one of the chapters he echoes what we were told about Samuel’s transition to New Day and as much as it makes my heart ache for my son I am so very thankful to have it all in writing to pass on to him one day.
The very best part about this wonderful book (besides the cover which features a sad looking little Samuel), is the fact that the proceeds from all sales will go towards helping the Rippee family fund their adoption (read about it here and here)!
Obviously I have a personal connection to this book, but I think it is a wonderful introduction to life inside a foreign foster home. If you’ve ever wondered just what it would be like to go and do, this book will offer you a glimpse from someone who actually went and did. Caleb has a simple blog set up where copies of his book may be purchased at: http://booksbenefitingorphans.blogspot.com/
Won’t you take a look?
Thank you Caleb!
You obviously have a big heart and we wish you well as you pursue a life focused on blessing the ones so many overlook.
Thanks Shelley! Just put in my order for this book! 🙂
wow! so cool, off to check this out……
I just went to try to order a copy, but my credit card companies must not have gotten all the address changes loaded in yet. I’ll keep trying until I get one…
Thanks for the heads up!
Wow, this is really cool Shelley! I will put it on my list!
Wow… how is it that I hadn’t heard about this!?! I’m SO on top of it… heading over to get my copy NOW!!!
Thanks for letting us know! 🙂