We are a family who likes to learn together at home.
(This page is a tough one for me to write.)
We are a family of seven (about to be eight!).
(Eight doesn’t seem so big anymore.)
We love our two cats, Matey and Sparkle, a hamster, Lucky, and a gerbil, Dale.
(Not to mention the nails and slugs that Samuel likes to bring home as pets.)
We home educate our kids (have all along – our oldest is 17).
(But, this blog is about more than Home Education.)
We have family members who have joined us through marriage, birth and adoption.
(It’s also about more than how we all came to be here.)
We love to travel and see new places (that does not include the public washrooms some of the younger members like to tour).
(All you Mamas out there in blogland – Can I get a witness?)
We are self-employed and one of our team members travels weekly.
(This isn’t the travel I was referring to earlier.)
We love our Jesus whole heartedly and are doing our best to match him more and more each day.
(Hopefully you will be able to see that, but it’s hard to write and be real. I’ll do my best.)
Any questions?
Please feel free to send me a note or share my addy with others.
The more the merrier.
Oh, and a very warm welcome to Learning Together at Home. 🙂