Here’s my effort to catch up on a very full day as quickly as possible…
- Woke up and saw a pile of photos in my inbox. Samuel received our package. He’s such a little guy. To think it is only the beginning of his long life with us absolutely overwhelms me. I’m so thankful.
- Our facilitator called China to see if our LID was issued, and they have not received our dossier as of yet. In response, they asked for and received our extension (1 month). Sweet relief.
- Met with our friend who hosted the Healing Prayer training. Told her about Garnet’s healing. Much rejoicing. My faith was strengthened.
- Stephen & I met with our kids’ pediatrician. We’
- We discussed a variety of concerns we have had with Garnet. We’ve been waiting for this appointment for many, many months. We are trying to get help for our busy, optimistic, tender hearted little man. He heard us out, spoke back to us his own sense, and offered a life line. We feel so affirmed.
- Faith’s birthday is next week. Stephen & I managed to get out and do a bit of shopping. We even threw in dinner (Burgers) & a movie (Red). I remember love & laughter.
(The candy is not for Samuel! Just in case you Mamas are concerned. Haha)