

We had the privilege of driving out to Isaiah’s home area, Loudi, Hunan.

We drove south out of Changsha, over the river Chairman Mao tried to swim across in his youth. I say tried, because apparently he would swim as far as a large inhabited island to rest before setting off for the far bank once again. A number of years ago, the inhabitants were removed from the island and it was closed to the public.  I recent years, a 100 metre high bust of the Chairman, himself, was erected there and orange groves and parkland were revitalized there.   It is now referred to as the “Orange Island” and viewing it form the bridge as we crossed the river, it indeed seemed like a lush Mt. Rushmore.

Heading southwest we again came across the tall farmer’s homes, and the rural fields backed up against reddish-orange earthen hillsides.  But this time, the hills became rolling mountains covered with thick forests.  Logging trucks passed us on the freeway and in the distance long used rice paddy terraces covered the mountain sides.  And the crazy horn honking, long distance city to city bus drivers.  Whooooeeee!  Hang onto your hats boys and girls!

Our driver knows we don’t mind detours by now, but today, a wrong turn led us along some deeply pot hole ridden roads.  Bang!  Thud!  There went the suspension.  Or so we thought.  Nope.  On we went.

Suddenly, we drove into the city of Lou Di.  Four and a half million people and an obviously large investment into constructing a beautiful new government headquarters.  If our hotel is palatial in an aging, yet charming way, the new government headquarters are leaning towards the palaces of Europe.  Quite spectacular.

We pulled off a side road to the new orphanage building and were greeted by the staff we’d met earlier at the adoption proceedings.  We paused for photos under a scrolling billboard sign, welcoming Isaiah home.  Ironically, he’d only stayed in that building for a few short nights before we met him.

After the requisite official refreshment and Q&A time in the meeting room, we toured the upstairs wing where the roughly twenty children lived.  Now, at first that may sound a small number, but we were told that there were another 80-100 in foster care, and a number at boarding school for high school.

I have so much on my heart regarding our visit with the children.  It was very difficult.  I just want to leave you with a thought.

We were graciously given access to those precious little souls for only a few minutes of their lives.  Around the world many, many people waited days outdoors just for the moment that the new royal prince would be born.  What do those two things have in common?  Well, the prince lives locked up because of media scrutiny and by the protection of his parents.  One day he will step into the royal limelight and move into his earthly role as heir to the throne.  Those children I met today?  They also live literally behind lock and key.  But not by a doting public or a watchful parent.  They are hidden from the public now, but they will not see the light of freedom.  Not unless they are pursued, relentlessly, like a parent for their child.

We pursued our Isaiah.  Will you consider pursuing your own precious son or daughter?

After our time with the children, we were invited to a lunch with the staff and officials.  It was a beautiful lunch in an interesting restaurant with a giant drum and a fountain of water that flowed next to the staircase that led to our private room.  Many Hunanese delicacies were served including local eel, cow stomach and frogs legs, alongside sweet potato greens, custard and desert balls, among many, many other dishes.  I ended up holding a very upset Isaiah and they kindly packed up a box of watermelon and buns for me to take with me.  I wasn’t sad to miss out, this time, but I appreciated their kind hospitality!

We followed our lunch with a quick photo op at his finding location, before heading back onto the expressway and driving the 2.5 hours back into Changsha.

Isaiah woke with a temperature and a nasty diaper.  He has continued to fight the fever and tummy bug all day.  It was a rough day heading back to Lou Di compounded with not feeling well.  Stephen and I took turns trying to comfort him and he’s moaning a lot in his sleep.  We felt terrible for dragging him to the SWI today, but we’ve learned that sometimes we have to do hard things with our kids for the long range goal of their grow and development.  Having these photos from today will help him hang one more piece of his past in the correct sequence.  Such an important thing as kids ask the deeper identity questions about themselves.  I just wish I could explain that to his sad little self!


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The post in which I tell you…

DSC_8035 DSC_8056 DSC_8061 DSC_8096 DSC_8097 DSC_8118 DSC_8123 DSC_8128 DSC_8132 DSC_8134 DSC_8135 DSC_8148 DSC_8149 DSC_8150 DSC_8153 DSC_8155 IMG_1086 IMG_1097 IMG_1102 IMG_2704 IMG_2707 IMG_2712 IMG_2718 it’s all going eerily well!

We all slept at least eight hours and had a two hour nap this afternoon.  Isaiah was pleasant and smiled and even laughed at times.  He took his bottle (hated it last night, I think it needed tweaking; more milk powder and less warm) this morning and ate really well at his meals.  He’s even had two baths and done all the right things in the diaper department.  Whew!  Somehow I waste more hours on these sorts of things before we meet our kids and yet they seem to know how to do what they are going to do and off we go!

I put out the infamous stacking cups this afternoon and he worked really hard at pulling them out of their nesting spots and then putting them back in.  He either pinches and locks his fingers to grasp them or he puts his hand inside one and splays his fingers to gain a grip on them.  Either way, he’s innovative.

He works so hard on whatever task he is at that he has an ever present drip of drool hanging from his bottom lip. Not the yucky gooey kind, but the kind that just sits there because he is so focused that he doesn’t even notice.  I will say, that he’s not a fan of having his face wiped (not many kids are!).  🙂

Oh, and we know he is leaning towards a vegetable-arian, like Samuel.  It’s not hard to tell.  Stick in a piece of meat and next thing you know he makes a really disturbing face and out it pops.

Samuel is doing much better than we expected, but still in the normal range for a five year old who’s didi position has been usurped.  He shows him tenderness, but there is lots of grumpiness and sass mixed with attention getting.  The tender times are there though and so there’s hope.  🙂  Isaiah is a very tall boy and so when the two boys are sitting together, while Samuel is a bit taller in a seated position, at first glance it’s like seeing twins.  A bit awe inspiring for this Mom who never dreamed she’d be the matriarch (whoa – can’t believe I just wrote that word down!) of this many children!

Oh, and Samuel is fascinated by Isaiah’s long hair!  He’s always loved long hair and he strokes his hair all the time.  Until, at least, Isaiah, lets him know, thanks but no thanks, pal.

The little photo album that we sent to the orphanage is still a hit.  He enjoys turning those pages.  Stephen added a simple game with it.  It’s a little rythymic retelling of the names in the book.  He chats it without help now and looks for approval.

As for today’s agenda, we headed to the civil affairs office to complete Isaiah’s adoption!  After we had our photo taken with him and had our thumbs/his hand printed with the red ink, the registrar said, “Congratulations! You are his parents now!”.  My heart stopped for just a moment with the reality that – Wow! We made it!  He’s really, finally our son! It was really quite nice as I don’t think that we were afforded that moment during the other kids’ registrations.  It can be a bit of a blur of paperwork on the finalization day!

On the way to lunch, we stopped at a store called Metro to pick up a couple pieces of luggage for Isaiah’s belongings.  He came to us with quite a bit and we’ll be shopping some in the next week.  It was interesting.  A lot like Costco (membership card, multi-pack format products) and yet the stores colours were Ikea blue and yellow.  They even had a backyard swimming pool for sale (1,300 or 13,000 Yuan – couldn’t be 13,000 could it?) and our guide shook her head.  Even if a person had the money for it, where would they put it?  And she’s right.  Everywhere you look there are skyscrapers and apartments.  It was her neighbourhood that we shopped in.  Afterwards, we took a short cut through through a fruit wholesalers market.  Apparently watermelon (pink and yellow fleshed) is in season.  Traffic was gridlocked on that street and people kept hopping in and out of cars and off and on the backs of trucks to buy them.  It seemed to be great fun, by the smiling faces!

For lunch, we went to the Guinness Book of World Records award winning Largest Restaurant in the World!  They have a 17 acre piece of land that is essentially a compound with many many buildings.  We ate in the Hunanese one and they had a stage with dancers performing minority dances from the 7 minority people groups in Hunan.  Delicious food and a nice show.  We enjoyed really enjoyed it, especially the funny Chinese grandmother dance performed by strapping young men.  LOL  On a more serious note, we have been focusing our attentions on our sons and connecting with the family at home.  The giant screens at the pre-show, showed the rescue efforts in Gansu after the terrible earthquake there. We are praying for everyone impacted.  It’s especially horrifying after driving through rural villages, to see the devastation to the rural farming area in Gansu.

Overall, it was a really good day!  Tomorrow we have been offered the chance to drive southwest to Loudi.  This is Isaiah’s hometown.  We will visit his orphanage and finding location.  We feel honoured that they will allow us this chance as we have been told that it is fairly uncommon.

Off to join the others in bed!




What can I say?

IMG_2653 IMG_2669 IMG_2676 PIC_0884 PIC_0887Isaiah is:

Absolutely charming!


A smiler

A joker


A cheek filler – with food at the end of a meal 🙁

A splasher (in the tub)

A whiz (at the ipad – swiping games work well!)


A communicator ( he has a few words: like chee-chew-ah which is car, family titles like jiejie, Baba, Mama, and he’s copied a few English words like Hello and likes to say Uh-Oh)

A giggler (sooo cute!)

A player (he knows how to put on a show)

A page turner ( he loved showing off his page turning skills again and again today – we are truly amazed!)


We met our guide in the lobby and were happy to reconnect with her.  She had helped us process Samuel’s adoption 2 years ago and now has a little one of her own as well.  We purchased some flowers for the official gifts today (an idea I stole from another parent) and off we went to the civil affairs office.  Our guide, Vicky, let us know that we would most likely beat Isaiah to the office, so not to worry.  We arrived and headed upstairs.  Walking into the meeting room, our eyes were drawn to a family that we’d met in the hotel lobby the night before.  They were trying to engage their new three year old son.  What we didn’t notice right away were the two ladies sitting off to the side with the little boy on their laps!

There is was!  Watching us with wide, speculative eyes.  We’d seen those eyes before (James, Garnet).  I walked over and knelt in from of him.  Talking softly to him he didn’t move much.  Then I reached forward to pick him up.  He didn’t resist me and I turned him around on my lap to cuddle him closely.  He turned to look up at me and we stared at one another for a second.  Then I smiled.

He began to curl into me a bit and kicked at his legs.  The nanny handed me the small quilted photo album they had been looking at (one we’d sent the orphanage a but more tan 4 months ago).  And then the fun began!

Isaiah began turning the pages of the book with his hands!  We had no idea he could do that!  He was able to control his arm muscles so well.  Well, we all clapped and told him how smart he is and he really warmed up to the idea.  Next thing we know he’s doing it again and again – wiggling in pride as we praised him.

He holds himself up in a sitting position with a lot of strength.  He moves his legs around and can wiggle his toes. He can easily pick things up with his mouth.  He can sit up from a reclined position (amazing abs!).  He plays with toys and can grasp objects between his fingers to pick them up and move them.  He likes to wiggle and bop up and down to music.  And he sings and hums.  He also chatters in a soft voice and belly laughs loudly.

We are totally smitten, just as every new parent should be.  Once again I can honestly say that I really and truly felt my heart expand.  It’s an unbelievable knowledge that from now and forevermore, I am Isaiah’s Mama.


Junshan Island Tea Plantation

DSC_7795 DSC_7806 DSC_7812 DSC_7817 DSC_7824 DSC_7826 DSC_7829 DSC_7831 DSC_7835 DSC_7836 DSC_7840 DSC_7841 DSC_7842 DSC_7844 DSC_7845 DSC_7854 DSC_7863 DSC_7865 DSC_7872 DSC_7874 DSC_7876 DSC_7882 DSC_7888 DSC_7891 DSC_7900 DSC_7939 DSC_7940You know it’s hot when you can literally see sweat droplets rising and forming on the back of your hand. I sweat in places I never knew existed today! More than 40 degrees and high, high humidity. We spent the day running from shade patch to shade patch!

Stephen woke up with a cold and so the rest of us took the 30 passenger ferry to the island in the middle of Dong Ting Lake. Dong Ting Lake lies as a natural border between Hunan and Hubei provinces, and Yueyang City is on its southern banks. Once again, we were the only visible foreigners to visit the island today and it was really enjoyable to take in the sights with the other Chinese tourists.

While the lake is said to have its own monster (just like our own local lake), it was the site of the original dragon boat races. In fact the original legend began here. Dong Ting is essentially a resevoir basin for the Yangtze River and is really a rather shallow lake with many freighters carrying rice from port to port and up and down the river. There are also a plethora of fishing vessels. Trawlers and shrimp boats. We’ve been eating the bony fish and hard shelled shrimp all week, bathed in their spicy sauces. Both are local delicacies. The shrimp is eaten with beer much like chicken wings back home. I think it is partly because they are hand peeled and it becomes a slow snack rather than a meal.

There is also a legend about an ancient king and two princesses. The tale tells much like a Romeo and Juliet story, as the king loved the princesses and apparently they loved him too (yes both). The king was going to meet them and they him when he died. When they arrived and found he had died in the lake, the died of broken hearts and there is a tomb on the island where they are said to be buried. We skirted the tomb area, as Matthew let us know that it is not certain how much truth there is to the tale. We weren’t terribly surprised. 🙂

There are two temples on the island. The first one is the buddhist temple and we watched as Matthew burned incense and genuflected before an angry looking statue. I felt bad as I had told him that our religion wouldn’t allow for us to burn incense there and asked him to explain the process to us. He took it to mean that he should show us, and that was not the intention. Oh well. It was interesting and it didn’t hold much meaning for him, but he is versed in how to go about it. The temple has a circitous route around the main worship hall holding 300(!) bronze buddhas, each depicting a different attribute of buddha. It reminded me of the Catholic saints in a way. I asked if buddhists would focus their worship on the buddha with the characteristic they felt they needed and he agreed that that was the purpose behind them. Such an empty place. China really isn’t a very religious place if you consider the masses, but it reflected the feeling that all people are really looking for hope when they struggle. If faced with insurmountable difficulties in life, as we all are at times, we look for answers and hope whereever we think we can find it.

As we left to walk down the stone staircase, one of the temple guides set off firecrackers to the side of the stairs and we all jumped out of our skin! It was good for a laugh and shook off some of the gloom of the place. 🙂

The next temple was the temple in worship of the god of the lake. There the worshippers focused on wishing and then hanging their prayer banners in two trees that were growing in the courtyard of the temple. At this point I asked if we could turn around. It was incredibly hot and Matthew had stepped in to take Stephen’s role of carrying the stroller up and down stairways while I carried Samuel.

Next up we crossed a stone bridge with exquisite pink lotus blooms on either side. It was really breathtaking. If I ever get to return to the island, I hope I can come in the spring with everything blooming and a more moderate temperature. Because of the heat, we pushed on.

Around a bend, we came up on an enclosed inlet with a large stone bridge crossing it. People were paddling paddle boats around and giant Koi fish were following them for a feeding. There was a treed walkway and a landscaped dragon cut into the dam that enclosed the inlet from the main lake. We walked up Monkey Hill, passed the drooling dragon in front of a well, and came to the terraced tea growing up the mountainside. They bushes were protected from the searing sun by tall trees over head and they were lush and green. I tried a nibble of a sprout and it tasted a lot like black tea. These were Silver Needle Tea bushes. The finest Silver Needle tea grows here and I was so excited to see it first hand as it is a regular item in my tea cabinet.

Facing heat exhaustion by this point and with sweat literally running down my nose and dripping off the end, we stopped for a couple of cold waters and headed to the tea tasting room and the drying factory. The tea leaves are picked as lush, flat, green leaves in the springtime and then brought to the factory area to be fried in dry cookers. They are then sifted and sorted and dried on giant round screens. The hostess showed us how the tea can be reused five times and how the flavour changes (and does not weaken) with each new hot water bath. The fifth time, the leaves themselves are eaten too. The special visual aspect of this tea is in its cartesian diver type dance that it does. Those flat lush leaves are dried into a pine needle type appearance. When the hot water is poured over them, they steep until they open just enough to float vertically in the water. They then bob up and down in that position as they steep. It’s really quite neat to watch. And believe it or not, but the Chinese once again proved themselves genius, as that hot tea was a srefreshing a that cold water we had been drinking!

Samuel was offered the chance to touch a golden turtle that they had brought out of the lake and onward we went. On the path leading away from the tea house, we looked down at the inlet and there were two long-necked, black swans being crowded around by a huge group of Koi. We soon realized that when the swans ate form their floating feeding platform, the koi were gaining a meal too. It was striking seeing the black swans surrounded by the frothing orange fish!

We had taken our time getting back and ended up missing our boat back and narrowly missed the next one as well. I think it was a combination of Matthew’s persuasiveness and the foreigners red faces that caught us a ride on that ferry! We were so happy to get in our air conditioned van at the other shore.

It was a scorching hot day, but soooo worth it to go on our last adventure here in Yueyang. It’s been a tremendous blessing to get to know “Samuel’s China”. Tomorrow we drive back to Changsha and reconnect with our guide, Vicky, who aided us during Samuel’s adoption trip. Less than 48 hours and we meet Isaiah!

Please be praying for Stephen and my Mom’s health, for Samuel’s heart as a new big brother and of course, our little Isaiah. His world is about to change dramatically. Lord, please grow all our hearts just the right amount to be what he needs.


Old & New

We played tourist again today, this time at Yueyang Tower.

(Photos at bottom of post today.)

Dong Ting Lake is the second largest lake in China.  Situated on its banks is the tower.  Three stories high (probably taller due to its highest peak), it was once used to signal war ships in the lake.  We were told it was built 600 years ago, during the Ching dynasty.  The breeze off the lake was very, very welcome today!  We took the opportunity to saunter through the park area leading to and from the tower and took plenty of photos.  Samuel really enjoyed playing with the Koi fish in the tower’s moat.  He loved that when he’d wave his arms or put his hands in the water they would come or flee depending on his motions.  Stephen almost had Samuel convinced that he had control of “the force” ala Star Wars.

We followed up our visit to the tower with a quick stop at a shop for a paper fan for myself (NEED MORE AIR MOVEMENT!) and a few trinkets for Samuel from Grandma, to be doled out on our drive back to Changsha in a couple days.

Lunch was at a local restaurant where we shared a private room with a local family.  They had cuuuute twin boys dressed exactly alike. Such good food!  Apparently hot soup and tea with a side of spicy, spicy peppers is just the thing when you are in the height of a hot humid summer!  Good for us and truly mouthwatering too.

After a long nap in the a/c of the hotel (totally spoiled, I know!), we drove out to the shopping area near the lake.  We walked the side street market areas, exchanged hellos with several local motorcycle taxi drivers, had our picture taken with a woman in an inflatable Lego costume, and ended up asking the guide (“Matthew” who is studying pharmacology in Toronto during the school year) to see if we could see inside a KTV (karaoke) bar.  Yes, we could have gone to one in Vancouver, but what’s the fun in that?  After a quick permission from the guards at the door of an alley side KTV entrance, we took an elevator up to the 3rd floor.  Hosts lined the entrance, a cashier desk and liquor/snack shop were off the opulent foyer.  Down a long hallway with numbered rooms, the hosts showed us to a private room.  There were two booths to sit in, a computer to choose your songs and a flat screen to view your videos.  The corner featured a tambourine and dice for drinking games.  We didn’t take them up on their offer to try it out, but we did take a picture with one of the young hosts.  Dare, excitement?  She seemed pleased and didn’t even ask to have a picture taken on her own phone, but on our camera?!  We survived the experience, but I thought our young guide might have wished that the floor would open up an swallow him when he realized the video being shown above the elevator was a tad explicit! When we finally all piled into the van, he let out a deep sigh and a nervous laugh.  I think we gave him more than he had bargained for!  LOL

He dropped us at our hotel and Mom and Dad walked me down the block to where they had seen the older ladies dancing in the parking lot of the shopping centre.  Something different than what we had seen before though, as there were inflatable pools filled with goldfish that could be caught with dough balls, other pools filled with toy fish for the catching and a giant inflatable sandbox filled with seed for the children to dig in with sand toys.  Nearby there were pottery painting stations where children could have their very own “Color Me Mine” experience right there.  We swapped hellos with a few people, witnessed some naughty boys and enjoyed watching the kids in their element in the hot, dark evening lit up by the parking lot lighting.  The backdrop to it all was the pop music blaring from giant speakers that the women were dancing to all led by groups of dance leaders in coordinating dance costumes.

Like Stephen has said throughout our time here, we are enjoying going where the locals are.  It’s so much better to be where they like to be.DSC_7489 DSC_7522 DSC_7559 DSC_7564 DSC_7616 DSC_7647 DSC_7654 DSC_7715 DSC_7716 DSC_7743 DSC_7745 DSC_7776 DSC_7788



Returning Home, part 2

DSC_6507 DSC_6508 DSC_6584 DSC_6618 DSC_6623When we arrived in at the Yueyang County SWI, we were let into the gate and pulled up in front of a shiny, new, several stories high building.  The old orphanage had been only used for offices for some time, as the children had all been fostered in the neighbouring area.  The new building was designed to house the offices and the children.  We were told that the children’s home was still being furnished and completed, but that the children would be returning soon.  They had begun building it shortly after we’d visited in February 2011 and had only moved in recently.

We took the elevator upstairs and were warmly welcomed by the staff, one of whom we had spent time with during our initial visit, as she’d come to process Samuel’s adoption.  We were ushered down the hall into a meeting room.  Samuel was much fawned over and we shared stories of his progress, as well as the photo book we had brought.  There were many framed photos waiting to be hung on the walls of the new meeting room.  They each featured returning families on homeland tour visits.  It was fun to see all those photos of tweens and teens returning to visit their roots.

Samuel’s file was brought out without us asking and we were able to see original photos of him as an infant.  The youngest photos we have of him to date.  (He has hardly changed!)  We appreciated the information we were offered and took photos of everything.

There was much laughter and smiling over Samuel’s attempts at showing off his new walking skills. There were also many gasps as he tried many stunts near the glass topped coffee table.  We all were trying to protect his noggin’ from the tile floor and table! But, I think he got his point across.  It had been a good idea to send him to Beijing and to have his paperwork processed for international adoption.  We were happy to have them see him so full of little boy spunk and strength!

All of a sudden his foster grandmother came in holding a small boy’s hand.  She was exclaiming in excitement to see us all again and we her!  Big smiles, handshakes, hugs and happiness to see each other!  The little boy (in split pants, much to Samuel’s amazement) was her grandson (25 months old).  The last time we had visited, her son had just been married and this was his son.

Much laughter, showing off, snacking, and kisses ensued.  Samuel was less than impressed with the kissing, but he was rescued by his Dad and all was well in the end.

We then headed off around the corner for a relaxed lunch.  Samuel and his “cousin” faced off across the turntable at the table and had that food spinning.  By the end of the meal, the little guy was fast asleep and Samuel was in a trance like state in the stroller.  Both had full tummies and were surrounded by happy chatter and smiling faces.

Joining us at lunch was another staff member and her two “nephews” (according to our guide, “Stacy”), which were in actual fact nieces.  The nieces had studied English in school and while they could understand much of what we said, much like myself with Chinese, they were too shy to use much of their English on us.  I did manage to get the one girl to tell me that her English name in school was “Vivienne”.  She blushed mightily and laughed behind her hand when I told her that Vivienne is considered a name for beautiful girls.  She took the teasing well.

After a few photos at the orphanage gate, we headed to the foster grandparents home.  Samuel enjoyed handing out his hand drawn pictures for them, as well as the photos and other gifts we had brought.  He warmed up to his foster grandpa and shared the fact that his tooth is wiggly (he is convinced that it is a sign that he is growing up).  He sat on his knee for a bit.  They served us the best watermelon I have had in my entire life.  It grows here in the south prolifically and really, as with all food, is best eaten close to its source!  Samuel and his “cousin” played with the boy’s plasma car and other ride on toys.  The family’s daughter came home and we found that she has also been married and is expecting.  The son and daughter live at their parent’s home with their families.  The little guy really warmed up to us by the end.

Samuel did not want to leave.  I was so pleased that he enjoyed his time there.  I did say to him as we left, “Can you believe you lived in this house when you were a baby?”

“No”, he said.

I understand.  It’s a bit much for me to take in, let alone a 5 year old.  After all, sometimes, it’s hard to imagine a time without him.  And I suppose that is why these trips back to visit our kid’s homeland areas are so very valuable.  It’s so important to not forget what is so integral to who they are.  Not Chinese.  Not Canadian.  Not even, Chinese-Canadian.  Rather, they are Chinese + Canadian.

Samuel’s foster grandma and cousin joined us for a quick photo op at the finding spot.  And then off we went back to the city, exhausted and emotionally spent.

Was it too early for a return visit for Samuel?  It all depends on what the goal was.  Did he gain value and meaning of his past?  Yes, but not at the same level as if he had been older.  Will it provide continuity for his next few years as the questions get wider in scope and deeper in meaning?  Absolutely.  As I posted on Facebook, he has a deeper sense that this is his wider, global extended family.  Because really, that is what they are.  They are no less related than we are.  The legacy of love they gave him from his infancy lives on in the way he has opened his heart to us.



If Variety is the Spice of Life….

Then Hunan didn’t get the memo! Here it’s all spicy or it just ain’t from Hunan.

Love the food though. We craved the spicy green beans for the past two years. And now I can claim to have eaten goat. All those years teaching Indo-Canadians and I finally caved. Tasty! Especially with the spicy seasoning. Are you catching the theme?

It’s so super hot and humid, that we bought fans for our hotel rooms. It’s a bit like walking into a wall of humidity. I am loving the chance to do different. Last time was Lunar New Year and while others were layered in thick coats, I was in short sleeves.

Samuel is doing really, really well. He’s overwhelmed a bit by it all, but has held himself in check better than we expected. It’s a lot to sort out at five and a half years old.

Quote of the day comes from Samuel as we drove the expressway between Changsha to Yueyang City, “We in my China world?”

Yes, son. Here we are.

Tomorrow we make the drive to Yueyang County to visit Samuel’s hometown. We will be visiting the orphanage staff and his foster grandparents, and are really looking forward to getting to know them a bit better now the initial adoption meeting is behind us. They seem very genuine people that really adored Samuel.

Please pray for Samuel. We hope he receives the blessing that a big, messy, global family can bring him. And for us, that we can keep the respect and lines of communication open between us. It can only help him as he matures.






People Watching

We are waiting for our flight from Beijing to Changsha. Thunderstorms have cancelled most flights in and out. Lots of time to sit and people watch. People are the same everywhere. Except for one family that has me thinking. They have a tween daughter and a toddler son. Two children. Special quota? Children missing in between? Infertility? Second marriage? Adoption? Careful birth control until fines raised? So many thoughts run through my mind. Different thoughts than I have in other countries airports. The land if my four youngest children’s births.


To China in a few days

After a long, long wait beginning in November 2012, we are finally a few days from flying to meet our Isaiah.

So much has happened over the past few months. I honestly have not struggled as much during the waiting period for any of the other children (and that includes our birth kids). I logically tell myself that it is the fact that approvals were coming in fast during the early days of our wait and I had gotten my hopes up, but in fact I think it was the uneasy quiet I felt in my relationship with God.

While I knew He was there and I was engaging with Him daily. It’s been many months since I truly could say that I had heard His voice.

Ironically, it was in the last few hours prior to hearing that our approval was to be granted that I finally knew He had spoken through His Word to me in a truly clear way. Or should I say, He’d spoken and I’d actually been aware of it, as the quiet isn’t indicative of His lack of relationship with me, rather it tells of my brain and heart clutter that had prevented my hearing Him.

The word He spoke was from Psalm 5:8.

Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness
because of my enemies—
make your way straight before me.

Make your way straight before me.

I had been struggling for Him to make MY way straight before me. Totally different angle there.

I am so thankful that a short time later He granted our approval from China to adopt Isaiah. But truly more so, I am thrilled that He made this clear to me before the approval was granted. This has become my heart prayer the past hours. I am holding to it. I can’t do this on my own.

Lord, make Your way straight before me.


Peters v6.0

Announcing our newest blessing, Isaiah!


He is 19 months old and is from the same province as Samuel.

We are totally smitten and can’t wait to bring him home in the next couple months!