The morning was spent swimming, leading a game of grounders with a whole pile of kids in the white sand playground, showering and washing our mound of laundry. We went to the zoo and then to Old Town for authentic Mexican food and a stroll through the area (okay – it was a mad hunt for a public washroom for our youngest member).
Grace’s comment? “Today LOTS of loading and walking and walking and walking…..”. Loading is her word for waiting due to the first time I used it in regards to wiaitng to have the computer load a slow webpage. The word has stuck and now when she is exhausted she uses that word instead of “waiting”. It was nice to escape the heat under the trees in the beautiful zoo.
We paid for parking in a church’s parking lot (brilliant idea as they are right in Old Town next to a historical landmark) and chatted with the attendant (perhaps the pastor?) who wished us God’s Blessings. He directed us to a great restaurant.
(Note to self: upload the day’s photos from Faith’s camera later.)
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