Today Samuel and Isaiah had appointments at Portland Shriners Hospital. They both needed X-rays and Samuel needed to check in with his doctor. That rolled into a photo shoot and a trip to the mtion lab, followed by a visit to the prosthetist. Samuel has grown and they are rush ordering him a new liner and two new prosthesis for his left leg (stubby and a new socket for his tall one with the knee). We’ll be extending our time here so that they can be made up for him. Fortunately that should allow us the chance to get to the Pacific coast and maybe the zoo or science centre or something. It would be pretty cool to touch the Pacific and Atlantic oceans twice in just over a year. Pretty unexpected. Anyway, that’s it for today. We were pretty tired tonight and ordered in food to the hotel, followed with some screen time. I think we’ll sleep pretty well tonight.
2 Left Feet
September 17, 2014
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