The title of this blog post is from today’s devotional reading from Jesus Calling. As so often, today had me from the title.
We drove the highway from Calgary to Regina today. Lots of silliness and goofy pics (none of which are in this post today – sorry!). The prairies are truly so pretty. And honestly, the kids had some Minecraft to catch up on. 🙂
We have one kiddo who has always struggled to receive love that is offered. This child will through their arms around you and be all smiles, but the second we turn away is quick to draw negative attention with mean and provocative behaviours. We truly, deeply, madly adore this child but it has been a struggle today to draw close and know which way to create an attractiveness to our relationship so they will draw close in return.
The title really reminded me of how much I need to entrust this child to Jesus. His love is the most attractive, loyal and truly winsome. I am thankful, tonight, that He was there to remind me.
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