Day 1
We started off happily singing choruses while putting along in our energy efficient hybrid……. um, nope.
We spent half the morning packing and re packing scads of stuff into the back of our monster van (the Magic School Bus my brother called it the other day – the name may have stuck. :). I had a mega migraine and we had just thrown out every decent scrap of food set to expire causing me to run to Subway for a huge order to go.
We finally gave up on peace and perfection and ushered everyone into the van.
And then off we went. After a couple quick stops we drove out of town. By the time we hit Mara Lake we had laughing kidding the back. By Revelstoke we were all roaring with laughter over James and Faith’s parodies just begging us to pull over for a pee break. 🙂 Golden brought us to McDs and a hunt for a store that sold the one important thing we had forgotten (we hope the only one!). A search fir Elk that ended in quarters for finders. And finally we pulled over the Rocky Mountains to Garnet’s gasps of Ooooo and Aaaah. So cute. Pulling into Calgary under a perfectly, enormous full moon with a spectacular sunset in the sky and finished the night with room service, deep fried pickles (I’m in love – who knew?) and a bottle for Isaiah.
We began our journals tonight (hey, it is the first day of homeschool for us!) and Grace wowed me with her drawing skills and perspective.
The day definitely started off this trip with a rosy glow!
{photos taken with my phone}
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