After writing that last post about our visit to Samuel’s friends, we returned to the hotel and Isaiah promptly fell into a deep, dark, angry grieving rage. It was a long and loud one. So long in fact, that we sent my folks off to the Goodbye China Party that our agency throws all on their own. We ended up following them after a bit, and enjoyed watching Samuel so excited over the magician, but that’s not really the point. Actually, that rage was only the beginning.
The airplane. The drive to Stephen’s folks. Driving home. At mealtime. At bedtime. At play. At the doctor’s. Never for so long that we fear for him, but definitely intense.
Isaiah had fussed and cried before. Not long-lasting, but it spoke of what was going on underneath. It appears to be a typical two year old type of thing, for sure. Head clunking against ours. Back arched and stiff. Sharp screams and yells. The hard part is knowing where the two year old part of it begins and the fear and grief ends. And mix it all in with thoughts like our doctor voiced yesterday, “He’s got to be frustrated that he can’t do for himself.”
Yeah. Not a simple thing to sort out.
He has enjoyed playing with his siblings, that’s for sure. And honestly, I will do a post later about it, but they’ve enjoyed him too. That is the 90% of it. The 10% remaining is this rage.
0-60 in no time flat.
So, we hold him and remind him and love him and hold him some more. And sometimes when the yells are too piercing we hold him and wear ear buds. Whatever it takes.
Post swimming at Grandma and Grandpa’s. He’d say, “WOOOOOOW!” with great enthusiasm every so often.
Samuel, showing Isaiah how to open one his birthday gifts.
Rolling, rolling, rolling… Sure glad we kept those baby gates up!
Yes, we own desks and nice furniture. This is James’ room. And this is the den of Minecraft. Isaiah was welcomed into the fold.
It looks sad, but this is the crew allowed to play, yes, you guessed it, Minecraft, together for a few minutes before we headed out for swimming at their grandparents’. They had just finished laying all over the floor playing with Isaiah. He was kind of like, “Huh?” He is pretty good at swiping on the iPad. IT’s only a matter of time….
He’s sexy and he knows it.
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