This morning Isaiah woke up and rolled over. Before his eyes had fully opened, I leaned over his crib and he dreamily smiled up at me. Melt my heart, why don’t ya’ son? He’s feeling a lot better today, but he’s definitely learning to let us know when he is unimpressed too. Think, arch your back and yell. Ah well, I’d say he’s earned the right this week!
We took the boys to the Civil Affairs building one last time for a special ceremony that has been implemented here. Both ourselves and the other family that had their adoption co-incide with ours this week (from OK, USA), were seated in the central meeting room. The registrar read a message from the official government edict regarding our promise to adopt our sons, our acceptance of the process as China has outlined it and our commitment to raise our sons as promised. We agreed verbally and then were called to the front of the room in front of a large Chinese flag hanging on the wall. She then officially congratulated us and handed us our red booklet/adoption certificate. It was actually a nice touch and again it hit home the significance of this week’s events.
We spent the remainder of the morning at Martyr’s Park, so named after the many Chinese soldiers who died in the “Japanese Aggression”. There is a memorial tower there. For us, though, we enjoyed the cool walk on shady paths winding through the park around a picturesque lake. People out doing the kinds of things being done in hundreds of parks across China, music, exercise, dancing, napping, chatting, strolling and game playing. We took time to rent an 8 person boat and let the wind blow through our hair, until, Isaiah decided it was hot and he felt insecure with his new parents out in the middle of the water (can you blame him? At one point we were being pursued by a young boy and his father who chose to fire at us with his water gun. The Dad not the boy, who happened to be the driver. LOL) It had really interesting controls and Stephen managed to only nick the roof on the way under the bridge. He aced it coming back through though, in spite of Isaiah’s crying. Nerves of steel, that husband of mine.
After the park we headed back to the hotel, where my Mom and Vicky, our guide strolled down the alley next to the hotel to buy the guys’ lunch. The restaurant is literally behind the hotel with access via the alley. It is apparently beautiful and extremely hard to get reservations there. And lunch for six of us with a pile of leftovers? 100 Yuan ($14 Cdn) Our guide will try to get us table for lunch tomorrow, but she doesn’t hold out much hope.
On our way out with her, Vicky took Mom and I in a taxi to a local fast food place. Big bowl of rice and spicy bamboo shoots with preserved vegetables, and a canned sweet herbal tea was less than $1.50 Cdn each. Yum! We asked what type of oil they cook with there are apparently it is tea seed oil. With Mom’s legume allergy (soy, beans, peanuts), she has had an easier time of it this trip to Hunan, perhaps that’s why (less soy and peanut oil). Interesting. Mom though Vicky had said it was the seed of a Camellia flower). We’ll have to look it up, as she also claimed it is supposed to be healthier than many other types of oils.
Mom and I had Vicky take us to the Provincial Embroidery Museum this afternoon during the boys nap time. The specialize in a unique two sided embroidery technique that features a different but complete picture on both the front and back sides of the cloth, with absolutely no sign of a “back side” to the design. THe designs are incredibly life like and often feature copies of master works of art. The detail is phenomenal. I purchased a design with four characters on it for Isaiah. The layman’s meaning is that the more peaceful you are in the inside, the farther or more successful you will be. Good words.
This evening we walked around the corner to the convenience store for a chocolate bar run. Don’t ask. I’ve been avoiding it for a number of months now and Stephen doesn’t even like chocolate. Somehow though, on holidays, we eat Snickers bars daily. Weird.
Anyway, while we were there, I bought another wooden comb. I had bought one for Samuel there 2 years ago and he loves that it’s from “his China”, so with all Isaiah’s hair, I felt it was a good purchase for him. He was so proud – like sit up straight and looked himself in the mirror proud, when I combed his hair tonight. Too cute!
We also found the shop where Dad bought the hack saw blade to break into the safe in their hotel room last time. It was a good memory. Would you believe they had safe trouble again this trip (in Yueyang City)? Fortunately, we know where to get the tools for the family safecracker, if the need should arise again.
Dinner tonight was again on the second floor. Seems to be where we have settled in for both trips.
Tomorrow? Beijing. And, Isaiah’s first flight. He seems to enjoy the airplane rides I give him laying on his back in the hotel room on the 31st floor. Hopefully the much higher variety will be a hit too.
P.S. We’ve picked up on a few bits of mandarin that Isaiah says: Good (Hao), I know! (jie dai le – or something similar), Good bye, and “Aye Yah!” said just like a Chinese grandmother. LOL
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