I stayed away for oh so long from my blog. Recharging? Regrouping? Hiding? Not sure exactly.
There was a time after we adopted Grace that we were online A LOT. Keeping connections alive. Those invisible life lines were so necessary. And it was draining on me.
Those days were followed by the whirlwind adoption of Samuel. More online obsessing.
And suddenly my life felt dry and tired. So much of the joy of interacting with friends online, jotting down family anecdotes and my heart that desired so much to do more for the orphan and widow, was just sucked dry.
I was dry.
I needed a fresh new start. And so did the blog.
As for me, I bought myself a new Bible. Rejigged our whole homeschool. Dejunked my home base. And decided to freshen up the blog. Make it more functional.
It’s not all there yet. The Bible, the homeschool, the minimizing of the house – they each deserve their own post. The blog is still under construction (my fault not my wonderful designer’s, who I’ll introduce very soon), but I felt the need to get on here tonight and get the ball rolling. I’ve got something left to give. And here I go!
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