
Question: How early do you put up your Christmas decorations?

We have a tradition of putting ours up right around my birthday (mid-Nov.).   I know many of you are from the US and begin decorating right after your Thanksgiving.

I have to admit, I don’t know what it is, but for the first time in about 5 years I am itching to put them up now (actually since before Halloween.  If I really think about it, I think it is due to the fact that we have all of our family members actually home this fall.  No looming cloud of paperwork.  No wondering if they are safe.

I have to say, it’s a good great feeling!

Off to start our school day.  Have a good one!

{And no comments about my closet.  ;)}


  1. I would LOVE to put them up now… husband would kill me. 🙂
    Love your fancy green sweater. Ruffled sweaters are very pretty on you!!

  2. We are *hopefully* putting them up this upcoming weekend. We were at Costco this weekend buying a new artificial Christmas tree, so now we are set! I love decorating the house and outside early, but must admit I like taking the decorations down before New Year’s Eve.

  3. Thanksgiving weekend, but must be the day after for us though I have family members who begin before Thanksgiving.

    FWIW, I still have Halloween jack-o-lanterns up. *grin*

  4. You are gorgeous!

  5. LOVE this picture of you 🙂

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