Well it looks like it’s three posts about Stephen in 1 week. Definitely a new record for me.
Anthony over at No Greater Joy Dad, husband to the lovely and talented writer, Adeye of No Greater Joy Mom fame, has posted a testimony from my own dear “Reluctant Husband”.
When Anthony began publishing his “Daddy Blogger” blog, I followed and then sent his link to Stephen. He’s been hooked ever since. If you read Stephen’s post, it’s worth it to scroll back and read through the other earlier posts (there aren’t too many yet, as it’s a fairly new blog). He’s been doing a whole Q & A series on reluctant dads. Very interesting stuff, especially for this wife.
Oh and comments would be good. He was more than a little nervous to be sharing his thoughts. 🙂
Simply beautiful Stephen. Your words brought tears to my eyes…
I read Stephen’s blog…so very well written, it brought tears to my eyes and blessed my heart.