As every parent knows, they watch us.
The kids, that is.
Now, before I go further, this story isn’t about us as adults, but rather what we saw in one of our boys today.
We were driving away for the hospital this afternoon and on our way to the park. We pulled up to a light and Steve and I noticed a man asking for change. Without saying anything, Steve powered down the window and handed the man something. The man thanked him and we pulled away. We thought the kids were tiredly playing to themselves in the back. About 15 seconds passes before we hear Garnet’s little boy voice, “That was nice of Dad to give that man some money.” And then it all went back to the quiet play in the back.
He got it. He had seen the man. And he saw his own Daddy’s response.
And I got a lump in my throat.
Just a little moment I’ve had the presence of mind to record, but hopefully one of many in the growing of our young man.
More on Samuel’s road to mobility coming soon. Some new developments and an extra day here tomorrow. Thank you for praying!
It’s so easy to forget that they are watching us! Thanks for that special reminder! Praying for your family as you wait another day for Samuel’s “boots”
I loved this story. They ARE watching and sometimes we forget.