The winner of my little contest from yesterday was Cydil!
I used to choose our first winner.
Why yes!
Once I chose, I happened to be going through my photos and realized that Kristi was more correct in her guess than I had even realized! So she wins one too!
Here’s the first photo:
Notice Samuel pointing and Stephen behind him with the girls?
Here’s what happened just prior to that:
Turns out I had forgotten that Samuel wasn’t just chattering and being adorable.
He was tattling.
And the pair of girls?
They were sent inside for baths.
But, yes, in answer to your many comments, we do go through an obnoxious amount of {pants}.
God Bless my sister-in-law, Carmen, who has been perusing Value Village in order to keep us well stocked.
Cydil and Kristi, I’ll be e-mailing you both for your addresses.
I would have never guessed that!