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I need to write about our trip to Portland Shriners. I really am very thankful for the prayer we have had on our behalf. We came back 100% confident in the team there, but I’ll need to save that for a day when I have a bit more energy to pour into an update. I came home and woke up the next morning with some king-sized stress knots in my back. Moving slowly and spending time flat on our hard as rock mattress has helped a lot.
Today I simply want to blog a long string of quotes from my very precious children. They are treasured things I’ve overheard them say over the past 2 months. I tend to scrawl things like this on post-it notes and every so often flip through them. With my latest foray into blogging, I figured why not post some of them?
From Faith to Grace, “Whine always leads to bad things!” Exclaimed by Faith when Grace was whining over a lesson. (Yes, my children do whine on occasion, but you can imagine which winemy mind leapt to! :))
Samuel, May 17/11: “I tsee you!”, in a sing song voice.
Samuel, April 9/11: I heard, “Smack! Smack!”, like someone smacking their lips together. I peeked around the corner and found Samuel using a purple glue stick like lip gloss.
Garnet: “Tell Dad I have a garbage can in my tummy.” (Too full after a snack.)
Samuel, May 21/11: Apparently undecided, “Yup! Nope! Why?”
James, April 22/11: James using a crayon resist effect on his Easter egg that is intended for his 87 year old great grandma {Granny}, “Eat Pork!” (She giggled herself silly and that’s why we love her.)
Samuel, May 12/11: Calling from his spot at breakfast, “Wake up!” “Samuel”, I say, “Are you calling for Gege James?” “Yeah!”, he nods, “Gege three!” (With fingers to show three.) (Gege= Big brother)
Grace, April 6/11: “…Because in this family everyone is special, right Mom?” (Said with an air of, “See! I told you guys!”)
Faith to Grace: “Just put the angel in the back with the extra toilet paper.” (Meaning that they had been in charge of building a replica tomb in which to entomb Jesus body over Easter Weekend. They needed to hide the angel until Sunday morning and apparently they decided that the way they clean their rooms is good enough for the burial site of the King of Kings too. :))
Garnet: Said extremely cheerfully, “I don’t really want to go, but thank you!”
Samuel, May 3/11: Loves to eat “‘Pie-see”, “Icy-team” & of course, “Choc-a-yee!” (Spicy Thai Chili Sauce, Ice Cream, Chocolate).
James, April 22/11: Again decorating an Easter Egg with craypn resist, “I shouldn’t have gone in the Hot Tub!” ( The colour of the egg? Well, let’s just say that they don’t call it potty humour for nothing!)
Garnet: Describing some thing’s size, “It was a boat as big as Jesus!”
Samuel, April 9/11: I hear, “No! No!”, said very sternly from the other room. It was Samuel looking into the mirrored closet door, telling himself under no circumstances to enter. hehe
Faith, May 23/11: “I don’t know why, but it makes the family feel really small when one person’s away.” {This one makes my heart sing!}
My Favorite (all are adorable!) has to be Faith’s last one, that one is going to stay with me for a long long time *sigh*
Oh, that Faith-ism is too sweet! I feel the same way!
Oh the Q-tips up the nose made me giggle…
Love the little snippets of what your kids are saying. That’s the stuff that makes this job worth it all, isn’t it?
I love the picture with the q-tips in Samuel’s nose, simply because we have been using quite a few with Mary as she has been healing. I also love how you saved Faith’s quote for the end…how true…