Ah, how to sum up today…
Maybe saying we went 3 for 3 as far as the homeland visits went would be best.
Yueyang was amazing.
Yinchuan was surprising and yes, amazing.
Zhongshan, well, it definitely was otherworldly in so many ways!
We visited the orphanage for a few hours. We toured the usual places everyone has been in as of lately, but this time with personal stories and lots of children accompanying us (older ones mostly – I’ll upload all of the photos including other children to my private photo blog once we are home for all of you who are waiting for your kids just in case you see them).
We then went to a local restaurant with Grace’s closest adult friends and the director. Wonderful Dim Sum. Grace’s volunteer had had his wedding party there. Beautiful!
Afterwards Grace, Faith and Garnet got to ride scooters with Grace’s adult friends over to first one volunteer’s home and then the other! I haven’t ever seen them grin so much! Through traffic, over a huge bridge, zipping here and there. We have had an amazing guide and driver here. Our guide is super spunky and our driver purposely drove down the middle of two lanes of traffic at times in order to provide a sort of “pilot car” for the scooters carrying our children! Talk about personal service. haha
Just a note about Zhongshan. I knew it was beautiful and full of flowers and palm trees before. But now that I have seen the old town and its side streets and also the modern urban centre with its riverwalk and koi ponds, I’m very taken with it. It’s got so much character and beauty. Blue skies and soft breezes.
We found out so many personal details about our little girl. We feel as though she is finally ours. And Grace? She’s now claimed us for sure! We had the opportunity to receive blessings from a number of people who dearly loved her and she was able to finally see with all of us in the same room, that we all love her and that the relationships do not have to end. I think we were all (Chinese and Canadian alike) holding our breathe, but it went incredibly well.
She (we) are all exhausted tonight. And she’s a bit strung out. Pretty normal considering! It was draining to say the least (a very emotion packed 7.5 hours) and we fully expect lots of ups and downs yet, but the new foudation has been laid.
Mission Accomplished.
On to Hong Kong via ferry tomorrow.
The blessings continue. Wonderful to hear of the progress with your sweet girl, that is Huge! I have a smile each time I read your posts – HE is with you all for sure leading the way. Praying over the final leg of this amazing journey. Safe travels home my friend.
So happy to hear all of that. Makes my heart smile for Grace, and now i can stop holding my breath. hugs and kisses to all
I wanted you to know that I’m enjoying your blogging, although I do not comment often. I wish I were in China with you, experiencing the amazing country. I miss it already. I’m glad everyone is doing well and the sick ones are on the mend. Safe travels home for you all.
You’re almost home! Sounds like things are going very well. I’m so happy for your family. Watching Samuel bond is precious.
Much Love!
We are awaiting LOSC and TA to pick up 9yr. old Ma Tang from Zhongshan. We are l600 family and hope to get them soon. I just found this group and am new to it. Does you new one know her?
Congratulations!!!! And have a safe rest of the trip!
Sybil, Gary, and Mimi (4yrs. old from Foshan)amxiously awaiting Emma Jane (Ma Tang)
ps I attached a picture to our groups email
Hi Sybil,
My daughter knows her. 🙂 I will see about photos once we are home and settled a bit. Many Congratulations! Our daughter Grace (Ma Qiao) was adopted from Zhongshan in Nov. 2009 (she’s 8 and has a Nov. ’02 birthdate).
Again, congratulations!
I have been reading and rejoicing with you every day. I am blessed and thankful that so many of our prayers for Grace’s reunion and attachment to your family seems to be happening. What a God thing. I can’t wait to sit down for a visit and see Samuel and Cohen go at it. I’m sure you’ll be nesting for a while but let me know when the signal is down off the door at your place.(remember when you first moved there and hungflowers or something on the door when the house was closed to little people who loved to play.):)
God Bless you all as you journey home and hopefully all sleep at the same time to get the much needed rest you have earned. Many blessings now and for the joyous years as a family to come.
Give James our love.
The Way’s
Yay, Grace!! We love you SO much!