That’s us, I mean. We keep wanting to pinch ourselves. Obviously more later.
Thanks for praying – today is such a big day for each of the members of our family.
Today our little man leaves all he remembers and my heart is a mixture of sadness and nervous excitement. Praying for his heart today. And thanking God for the internet and all it means for his ability to connect again one day.
A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to my oldest and dearest friend, Kristie and her husband Patrick. We are beyond thrilled for you and wish only for a glimpse of that sweet face. Can’t wait to meet the newest family member!
Off to stuff a suitcase and head to the airport and Changsha…
P.S. Spike is ready for photos. Once we get to Hunan he’s going to jump out of James’ pack adn you’ll have to pay attention to find him!
Praying for your little guy and for continued blessings for the remainder of your trip!
Safe travels to Changsha!
Safe travels and enjoy Changsha! Cannot wait to see pictures of tomorrow.
p.s. We are ready for pictures too!!
Congrats to the entire family. You have been truly blessed again!!! Enjoy your new son.
Julia and Bryan
SO excited for your family!! I remember the mixed feelings VERY clearly. We will be praying for sweet Samuel’s heart as he transitions into your family. He needs you all more than even he knows yet, and you are equally SO blessed to have him! Can’t WAIT to see photos…I’m going crazy just ‘imagining’ how things have been going! 🙂 New Day is just AMAZING… aren’t they!? I’m sure you soaked in every moment! So many emotions come flooding in as I read about both Samuel and Ethan leaving to their forever families. It brings me back to where you are right now. It’s hard to believe we were there just 9 months ago. Sending love and hugs your way, and keeping ALL of you in our prayers! <
Enjoy your week in Changsha and take LOTS of photos!! 😉 Speaking of photos… Samuel's photo moved to the adoption section on the NewDay website today… oh happy day!!! Congrats and God bless your beautiful family!
love and hugs,
~ Tanya (and Khloe!)
Can’t wait to hear more! 🙂