This is our luggage.
(With the exception of Matey, the cat.)
Plus a backpack for each of us.
The biggest hockey bag is donations for ND and so will be ejected off our quota once we hit Beijing.
And may I just say, it was all packed last night!
Family and close friends will understand the sheer miracle in those words.
Travel mates will be in awe of the lack of volume.
It’s one of those had to be there things.
(As in, you had to be there while we lugged 32 pieces of luggage through the Beijing airport.)
And if this makes it appear as though we have it all together? Have no fear.
The butterflies have multiplied, I started a round of Cold FX this a.m. and Steve is currently trying to figure out how to install a car seat for the first time in a decade.
Yeah. We’re calm like that.
And so, it is at this particular moment that I would like to remind those of you who pray, to take a moment to check out our Prayer Guide under the Adoption heading on the Home Page.
Sing with me now…
“If ever I needed the Lord before, I sure do need Him now….”
(Sung in your best Mahalia Jackson voice.)
P.S. Baby Autumn, Auntie would love to take you along on this trip! Unfortunately, I don’t think your new pigtails will allow you to fit into the strict carry-on requirements. Next time?
P.S.S. Lane, Martine, Anthony, Max, D, Joel, Ella, Matthew & Justin: We found a friend to join us on our travels. He’s riding in James’ backpack. Keep an eye out for “Spike” in our photos.
Much Love,
I’m praying for you, your family and especially sweet Samuel.
Take care and I can’t wait to follow your journey!
Many Blessings-
Praying, praying, praying! Safe travels to you all!
Praying for smooth travels!!!
Go get that sweet boy!!!!
Karrie in IN
I am in awe of your packing! I’ve never travelled internationally … but I know I packed more for us for our one week ski vacation! I envy your packing skills (but in a good way!) Best of everything to you all as you begin your adventure!!! I can only imagine the butterflies … but what sweet butterflies to have … even through the scary parts.
Will be praying for you!
I AM way impressed with your packing skills :-), AND the low volume. Impressive.
Thinking of you and praying for your trip constantly!
Love, Barb
…that’s just your carry-on’s right? (-:
Wow! I think we brought that much luggage and there were only 4 of us! Well done!