
Modern Day Miracle

Follow my trail of thoughts….

10 days ago we received our son Garnet’s allergy test results. 


He was diagnosed with cat allergies.

Prescription: “Remove Cats”.

It was o.n.e. m.o.r.e. t.h.i.n.g.


I was in tears.

God spoke through someone close to me.

“Ask me for healing.”


I called a friend, who is known for her involvement in a local healing ministry.

I told her, “I want to believe.  I know he heals.  But for me?  For my children?  There was a time when he did not heal me.”

She replied, “Come to my home tomorrow.  I am training my new volunteers.  You can observe.”


And miraculously our usually hectic weekend schedule…

was wide open!

“Okay”, I told her.

Perhaps even more miraculous?

Stephen wanted to come too.

We needed God’s renewal.

A fresh wave of His Spirit in our home.

We observed.

We chatted.

We dined.

And then it was time to go.

“Let us pray for you before you leave”, said our friends.

They prayed.

The Holy Spirit was very much felt by us. 

Burdens were lifted.

Hearts encouraged.

We went home.

We peeked at our son’s skin.,

usually covered with eczema.

It was the same,

but we held onto hope. 

We had asked Him for healing.

The next morning.

I looked again.

His skin,


I ran my hands over his arms,

his legs.


Absolutely no Eczema.

I watched him this week.

No cortizone creams.

No allergy medicine.

He hugged our cats.

In shorts.

With a bare tummy.

The eczema that he had had since the day we met him in China

was gone.

It’s stayed gone.

It’s never before stayed away for this long.

 The tip of the iceberg?

I wonder.

{Photos taken in early October 2010.}

{My Dad took Stephen & Garnet fishing.}

{Garnet caught his first (4!) fish that day.}

{Stephen even tried using Garnet’s rod and yet with much laughter on the men’s part, Garnet continued to catch fish!}

{Garnet also  staunchly refused to touch any of his big catch.}

{When he finally braved up to it, well, take a look at his face in the last photo.}

{“Ewwww – they’re slimy!”}



Around our house

If you had come over to visit over the past few days you would’ve seen us:

 preparing Samuel’s “Introducing Your Family” package.

(It only took about 5,000 tries to get this one!)

When I mailed it today, the postal worker at the mail counter asked me if I reeeeally wanted to send it.  Surely it would be too costly (it was a lot!).  I felt like saying, are you kidding me?   This is for one priceless kiddo!

Garnet received this balloon from us for his birthday.  For a whole week he asked if he could send it to Jesus in Heaven.  Finally, before bed one night we sent it off into the night sky.  I think his smile speaks volumes.  This guy has a big heart for Jesus.

He is also really growing his range of vocabulary.

Lately we’ve caught him saying, “Yes, you may.”

Another time we heard him say, “The deal’s expired!”

(The deal, for those of you who don’t know, is that he told each of us that he doesn’t want kisses anymore <sob>, except on his birthday.  You can guess the sheer volume of kissing that went on that day!  The next morning?  Apparently, the “deal” had expired.)





As is the norm in our house, Garnet was the first to wake us up this morning.  When he does, he inevitably wants a story.  Sometimes its a memory about a specific thing.  Sometimes its one that Steve or I will make up.  Or like this morning it’ll be a specific Book.  He confrimed with his Dad that a Bible story was okay and then he removed the bookmark and got it ready for his Dad to read. 

Today’s story was about Elisha and the healing of Naaman.  At the end, the story book had a prompt that asks, “Who healed Naaman?” 

And who do you think Garnet thought was the Healer in the Bible story? 


Yep, frogs. 

Apparently this particular illustrator really likes frogs (something that we had never noticed before as adults!) and sure enough in many of the stories there is a cute little frog watching from the sidelines. 

Guess we need to be more specific fom now on!