
Halloween (the morning after)

This is what happens the morning after Halloween in our home. 

The trading begins. 



Back to Homeschool

With the numerous interuptions and false starts we’ve had this Fall, today was finally the day I declared the official “Back to Homeschool” day.  Somehow with all the physio appointments, homestudy visits, clean up after our various home projects, our first day kept getting pushed back. Our kids always start back a week after the rest of the local school kids return to class.   Usually this is our “Not Back to School” celebration involving a trip to a very quiet mall in which to shop for fall clothes, one last trip to the beach or to Grandma’s pool in the middle of the week, and it usually gives me some extra time to get the rest of my straggling to do list all caught up. 

Without further ado, here are the somewhat smiling faces of this year’s class of students to Beacon Rock Homeschool.

First, we have James.  Entering Grade 10, at least a foot taller than last years photo and sporting a lot less hair, he has chosen his Star Wars Role Playing Guidebook as his favourite memorabilia item for this season.


Next up, we have Faith.  Also showing that summer growth spurt, she has chosen her favourite pet, Sparkle, and the latest script that she has authored, a sequel to her first show, Hannah’s Doom. 


Now we have our newcomer to the world of first day of  “Back to Homeschool”, Miss Grace.  Grace has been excitedly asking for us to begin for some weeks now, and she chose as her favourite item, not only her Princess dress, but also her fairy wings (courtesy of cousin E.).  An elegant choice, don’t you think?


Last but not least, we have Garnet.  This will be Garnet’s first year of full day homeschool with us.  He is unsure if that is a good thing at this point in his career, but he is unwilling to let it get him down.  He eagerly chose his Indiana Jones sword and his “frog gun” (it apparently turns all items in its path into… you guessed it, frogs.  100% for spirit and imagination, my delightful First Grader!

Won’t you join me in congratulating them? 

It looks like a great year ahead!


This and That

I’ve been playing at the absentee blog owner these days.  But I’d like you to meet my new best friends:

The Crutches


Ms. Walker


Yep, 2 X-rays later and I’ve been pretty much off my feet for the past 10 days.  It’s just a sprain, but it seems to be taking its time healing up as it is in a bit of a funny spot across the top of my foot.  Darn flip flops, you betrayed me with your sporty cuteness. 



On another note, Garnet has been up to his usual cuteness.  He was looking a bit like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.  He’d look at us with his chin tipped up in order to try and see beneath his

bangs (Am I allowed to call them that on a boy?).  Stephen took him to our friend’s to get a buzz cut.  The whole week beforehand he spent telling us he wanted hair like Uncle S. (my brother who has buzzed his entire head to nothing but a polished sheen).  Atractive though it may be, Steve told our friend to leave him a bit of hair so he wouldn’t have to deal with sunburn. 

Well, our little guy hopped out of her salon chair rather perturbed!  He wanted hair like his Uncle and that was that!  That’s all we heard about for those first few days and then one day he bent over as I was talking to him and what did I see?



Oh yeah.  He’d tried to take matters into his own hands!  LOL

The funniest bit was the fact that he didn’t hardly miss a beat.  He wasn’t even embarrassed to be caught (not like him at all!).  He just kind of sighed the long-suffering sigh of a five year old.

{Perhaps I ought to take his style preferences more seriously!}

In hindsight, he did wake up that morning claiming to be Curious George!


All in all we’ve been up to purging the house with a few ice cream breaks.

 One of those gems I have been unable to part with finally ended up at the Sally Ann. 

These are my two boys’ favourite movies from when they were preschoolers.   I think I could still recite every word of them!

Wiggle Bay was beloved by Garnet since the week he came home & Fred Penner was watched so much that even though it got fuzzy in places, it was still the top pick movie of any given week by James between the ages of 3 and 5.  Good memories.


Faith and Garnet took some time to dance the other day.

And here’s a beauty shot of our ice cream lovin’ princess.


And a HUGE thank you to everyone who’s fetched my crutches, watched my children, schlepped me around (thanks Mom!) and generally taken care of me.

Especially my dearest, oldest boy James, with his new title of Chief Cook and Bottle Washer! 

Thanks Son!


A Show in Three Acts


Faith and her friend J have been very busy for the past 6 weeks or so.  They decided to hold a show in our backyard for their friends and family.  A script was written which consisted of two dance numbers and one drama.  They created a backdrop, chose costumes and wrote and delievered invitations.  A snack booth and a tag sale area were also set up.  And then they practiced. 

They practiced almost daily.  The most amazing thing was seeing their excitement and teamwork.  I mean these two 9 year olds really dedicated themselves to putting on an amazing show, dress rehearsals and all.  I know Faith prayed for good weather.  She hardly slept all night.  And then yesterday dawned rainy and cool. 

In the afternoon, we saw a clear break and we set up our yard and placed the chairs.  I set off to deliver Garnet and Faith to their classes and that’s when I drove into it.  A sheer wall of rain.  It was a downpour and it was headed our way.  I quickly called James at home and begged him to quickly take down the show area and bring everything inside to the schoolroom.  I felt sick.  Off I went to pick up Faith early from her class and let her know we’d had a change of plans. 

As I picked Faith up, we were still hopeful that it would pass us by.  We talked about how God could make the rain go by us and into the draw just behind our house.  We talked about trusting Him to know best and yet asking Him as our Daddy to do the right thing for us.  We drove down the main road toward home and only a few hundred feet away from our turn-off the rain stopped!  Our hearts soared and Faith was cheering in the backseat!  And then we turned the corner onto our road and were hit by another wall of rain. 

I pulled the van in to the driveway and Faith was off to call J.  Would anyone still come?  I didn’t know if the neighbour kids would be here but I knew their family would (including Stephen who was currently driving over a mountainous highway through that same storm to get to the show on time).  Duct tape in hand the back drop went up on the school room wall.  Faith gasped!  Oh yes she did.  Tape on my wall is a huge taboo around here.  She told me, “You must really care about my show Mom if you are using duct tape on your walls!”  Sigh – yes I am a a bit, umm particular about my paint.  Anyway, back to the main story…

We ran around and set things up the best we could.  The girls were so nervous and excited.  The energy was very high around our house. 

And you know what?  Kids came, quarters in hand.  My schoolroom was full with neighbour kids, grandparents, parents, siblings, an auntie and cousins.  Popcorn was popped and purchased.  Lemonade was drank and bracelets, books and knick-knacks and treasures were purchased.

Act 1: Here We Go Again

A hit.  Some nerves, but they pulled it off with smiles.  Lots of popcorn refills from the crowd.

Act 2: Cheetah Sisters

They hit their groove.  Extra flair.  Again more purchases made – handled by their two stage managers (and yes, they thought of everything!) – one sister and one friend.

Act 3: The Country of Doom

A vampire drama (ahem, not my choice of content, but very funny).  Three songs were sung (written and again, choreographed by the two girls).  Smiles and laughter were shared.  Two Moms cheeks were a bit pink.  As J’s Mom mentioned, I don’t think either of us would have had opportunity or nerves to put something like this on.  And the neighbour kids?  The best part was a comment I overheard from one of the older boys as they headed out the door.  That was SO cool!


Flowers from Daddy

Watching the video I took afterwards.  Healthy Pride.

One more thing.  Something for me to treasure in my heart.  Faith announced last night in an off handed way.  You know, I think it worked out better having it in the house.  I’m so glad! 

Yes honey, that’s right.  Your Daddy knew all along. 


Happy ?! April Fools Day

We woke to a cloud of smoke, what sounded like firecrackers and what felt like a heart attack.

Surprise!  The two oldest kids woke us to cap guns going off and shouts of  “Happy April Fool’s Day!”.

I have to say that if I ever doubted that my husband is a protector at heart, today proved it.  He jumped about 3 feet straight in the air and then looked ready to attack.  I on the other hand hid under the covers, my heart pounding a mile a minute.  Oops! 

The gunfire was followed by an array of brightly coloured snakes and insects (all rubber, of course) hidden carefully in kitchen cabinets. 

And would you believe I had even driven my sweet children to the dollar store the day before – fully knowing that they were up to their usual hijinx?  And yet still, I forgot.

Maybe next year I’ll set my alarm a little earlier.  Shhhh don’t let the children know.  😉


Fashion Party

The girls heading off to C's Birthday Party

C’s Mom is very creative.  Last week she hosted a tea party (equipped with a chocolate fountain – yum!) for her younger dd M.  This week the theme is a fashion party.  Our friendship with this family began when Faith was in the preschool class at sunday school and has grown to encompass Grace and Garnet & their respective age mates in the family.  Such an amazing blessing after we moved here that has only grown.