
Homeschooling: How it looks in our family (Introduction)

I have gotten lots of questions about home schooling since beginning this blog (Do you think it has anything to do with the title?  lol).  With that in mind, I have been wanting to do a series on how homeschooling looks in our family.  I just wasn’t sure how best to present it.  With school beginning just around the corner, I have decided to just dive in and take it one child at a time.  Starting with how I’ve changed as their teacher, I’ll then be following “age order” from oldest to youngest in each post, giving an overview of each of the kids’ unique needs & the materials we use. 

Keep in mind that for us, this will be our 10th year as homeschoolers.  We’ve weathered lots of ups and downs.  I think the best thing I am able to share is that each family has its own unique make-up and what works for us may not be the best thing for any other family. 

As always, feel free to e-mail or comment with questions, or better yet tips if you’ve got ’em!



  1. Great idea for a series! Looking forward to reading along! We HSchooled for 4 yrs then stopped as I was burning out (my own foolishness of juggling too many balls) but this Fall I’m bringing Kole back home for grades 7 & 8. I’m excited but nervious from previous poor experiances, so I’m really looking forward to some *sagely wisdom* (-:

    no presure! lol

  2. We’re going on year 12. It has been good and bad. But, I do love being with my children and teaching them what they need to know to make them into adults. Such great memories. We’re trying something a bit new this year and I’m loving it. We’re in week #2, but taking a couple of days off this week to head to Williamsburg. The children are ready for a break from school already! But, so am I.

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