
Center of the Known Universe

Billings, Montana to Keystone, South Dakota


Out of the buffalo, elk and venison, the elk won hands down.

Out of the buffalo, elk and venison, the elk won hands down.

Picturesque views through the bug guts. :)

Picturesque views through the bug guts. 🙂

Ok. Maybe not. But after a few misdirections we stopped off at the Geographical Center of the US. Photo op time. Some disgruntled travellers in our group. In the end we met a pleasant Korean War veteran who turns 90 soon and toured a teeny, tiny cabin built for a family of 9. It was maybe 150 square feet including loft and a separate parlor – children invited in by invitation only!  Our friendly guide had a good chuckle over that!

We arrived at our destination and at a pricey restaurant which received so-s reviews from our family. Isaiah felt his gourmet meal needed a little dash of something extra – ketchup. :/ Ah well, can’t always know ahead.

Settling in for the night. Busy day tomorrow.


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