
Some may call me naive

But I have been incredibly humbled again and again to see what God is doing.

Do you have times like that?  You know, times when nothing can explain what you have witnessed except that once again something had changed, been altered and you were left shaking your head that with your own eyes you were actually witnessing it?

Click over here and see what He’s been up to.  Linny has just shared an incredible miracle over at A Place Called Simplicity.

The thing is, I had just come from New Day’s website where I was reading about Miss Ella.  Here’s what Hannah had written (click here to view it in it’s original format with photos on the New Day site):

Hope for Ella


Unadoptable?The bleak news of Ella’s situation struck a chord of sadness in our hearts. Her orphanage is afraid that no one will want to adopt a little girl who is struggling with seizures.
It’s been months since Ella started seizing. We rushed her to the hospital that first evening when the seizures began. The doctors, in desperation for the seizures to stop, put Ella in an induced coma. This procedure was routine, but Ella’s situation went from serious to grim when an EEG scan showed little brain activity. The doctors told us that the chances she would ever wake up were slim.
Ella’s eyes opened the next morning. Already she was a miracle and had proven herself to be a fighter.With medication, Ella’s seizures began to decrease, though they have yet to cease. Since the first seizure, we’ve been to many hospitals and specialists who have said that Ella’s condition is non-reversible. She is continuing to suffer from seizures, but we are hopeful that a solution will be found and that they can be brought under control.
Her current situation is not optimistic. At best, she will live a normal but limited life. At worst… we shudder to think of what will happen. If Ella is not adopted, she has almost no chance.Ella is a sweet and beautiful little girl. She’s six months old with a gentle and patient temperament. She soaks up love, loving to be held tight and close. Sometimes her eyes stare into space, but sometimes they are responsive and deep. When she sees familiar faces and hears familiar voices, a surprisingly joyful smile lights up her face.
Ella is on a long road to healing, but we believe that she is on it and we desire that she will continue on it with a family by her side. She desperately needs the love and care of a mother and father. If there was a family, one prepared to deal with Ella’s very challenging special needs, the orphanage would jump at the chance to do her adoption paperwork and give Ella a chance.Are you that family? Do you know a family who could care for this beautiful and loved little girl?

E-mail [email protected] for more information.

So if you asked me in the midst of my busy, almost harried life?  I’d probably shake my head and say how tragic her story is.
But now that you are catching me as I just turn from reading Linny’s account of her own daughter’s miracle, I have a different take on Ella’s future.
Whether I acknowledge Him or no.  Whether I claim to see Him working or no.  He is.
And Ella’s hope?  Well, He’s alive and well too.


  1. When I was growing up I was involved with The Int’l Order for the Rainbow for Girls (ya, long title.) But, besides grooming me in the best ways to be a proper young lady who wore beautiful long white dresses while memorize lengthy text … it also had a strong Biblical foundation.
    One of my favorite passages of the initiation process was the station of HOPE. The memorized verse went something like this,”My sister, Hope always awaits you. On the sunlight hilltops of the valley of doubt, and girls sometimes doubt, in the corner of your heart when the tempter comes, in your conversation when evil words creep in, I am always there. I will never sleep, I will never die. I will be with you at your awakening in the morning and watch over you sleep at night. Hope never ends.”
    I love thinking of that. There is no end to Hope–and I know that there is great Hope for Ella and will pray that her future will be one filled with it! Thank you for posting about sweet Ella. And I will be praying like you for her forever family to find her!

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