We are all doing really quite well for only having been a family of seven for eight days!
That being said, here is what that really means:
- Samuel is becoming more needful of Steve and I to be in close proximity to him. He becomes more concerned if one of us has to leave the room.
- Samuel is eating and sleeping marvelously.
- We are completely out of his element and he hears people speaking about his legs a lot. We fill him with as much love and reassurance as we can about our pride in his abilities and appearance.
- He is baby and he is boy – all rolled into one. Diapers and cooing. Preschool songs and bossiness. Needful of snuggle time and wanting to test the limits of his strength and agility.
- He is most definitely a dominant lefty – Grandpa H. rejoices (it only took 2 kids and 8 grandchildren!) 😉
- Faith is having a great time in familiar territory and yet is needing Mom and Dad to be close.
- Faith has really shown more interest in this little person than I have ever seen her take interest in a child before. She’s really enjoying being a part of caring for him and playing with him.
- James is struggling with the fact that he has a fair bit of independence on this trip and yet still needs supervision. Boy – Man. It’s a tough place to be.
- James loves his new brother. Samuel reaches for him and asks for him to carry him. Steals his glasses and James grins.
- Grace is doing really very well. She’s remembering amazing details suddenly about our adoption trip (we stayed in this same hotel) – things she adamantly refused memory of before haev now been brought to the surface. She’s rolling with it very well and we are seeing our daughter blossom into a new settled place at times. Amazing.
- Grace is very patient with Samuel. This surprised us as we thought there would be more jealousy. Samuel loves to stroke her hair but often will add a playful tug to a handful and she scolds him gently. Today she told in a very mature way that she doesn’t mind him playing with her hair, but that we just need to work on helping him not pull it. Wow!
- Garnet is having a tough time shifting up a rung on the family ladder. He is super kind to Samuel and goes out of his way to share with him and be kind and play. However, he sidles up to me whenever given the chance for an extra snuggle or a game of chopsticks. It’ll take time and reassurance. I also believe the visit to Yinchuan next week may help him too. He’s anxious about the unknowns.
- Garnet is a super sharer. He lets Sam have the last bite of a snack. He wants to play on the floor with him. He teaches him silly faces and like to make him giggle by tickling him gently on his little legs. Samuel calls him Gege and that goes a long way in Garnet’s books.
- Steve had a new experience today. Samuel was in the carrier at the Dirt Market and wet through his clothing, the carrier and Steve’s jacket and shirt. We happened to be in our favourite shop and the proprietor had remembered our family. We were chatting and then she offered for us to change Samuel’s clothing and diaper right on the framing table (it’s a photographic print shop). She even offered her winter coat to change him on and hand carried the stinky diaper outside to the trash by hand. She was very sweet!
- Another vendor saw Samuel’s runny nose (it was cold – it snowed today in Beijing!) and offered some of her toilet paper for his nose.
- The taxi driver we took back to the hotel cooed at Samuel in Chinese. He also narrowly missed rear-ending a car when said car slammed on its brakes in order to avoid a bus at 80 km/hr on 2nd Ring Road. He saved us 27 RMB over our family’s other taxi by speeding and dodging though. hehe
- One of the other children in our group calls Garnet “Barnacle” much to the chagrin of her parents. She’s terribly cute.
- The kids are missing their cats.
- Grace has asked after home a few times. Such nice things to hear from a little girl who wasn’t sure which place she wanted to call home a short time ago.
- Have I mentioned that Samuel is FAST! Oh, and agile?
- At the Dirt Market: Grace spent $14 Cdn (5 items – pretty and mostly wearable), Faith spent $11 Cdn (4 items – dainty and decorative), Garnet spent $1.50 Cdn (1 item that frightens me to no end – can you guess what it was?), James spent $30 Cdn (a pair of somethings that may or may not be removed by customs from his checked bag – any guesses?)
- Our trip to the countryside is cancelled tomorrow. We are visiting a new butterfly gardens here instead.
- Your prayers, comments and e-mails have meant so very much to us. Keep them coming! We’ve been praying over things you’ve shared with us too.
Off to bed after some quick laundry in the tub at our 5 star hotel. Motherhood…